Wednesday, July 16, 2008

First Post!!

This is officially my first post. Most of these will probably be rather boring. I have read blogs of sportswriters and comedians, Mike Birbiglia (!), and thought to myself, "I should give it a shot." Mine of course will be of no comparison, but I thought it would be a good way to express my feelings and gather some of my thoughts. I actually had a Xanga which is a blog i guess, but the last time I posted to that was definitely before I graduated high school.

I recently took on the task of reading through the Bible in one year, 'The Daily Message' by Eugene H. Patterson. It is truly a good book. This blog might be a good thing because I can post my thoughts on the readings and look back at them whenever I want. The book is translated very well and the daily readings are not that long. Usually two or three chapters a day only takes me twenty minutes. It is compiled so you only have to read six days a week to finish in one year. That is encouraging to me because I can miss 52 readings and still finish on time!

I finished my statistics class tonight! I'm not sure I did too well, but it usually turns out better than I think. I should pull of a B in the class. Unfortunatlely I start another class next week, Elementary Organic Chemistry, fun fun. I should have finished my gen eds first, but I thought I would be cool and take some upper level classes my first two years. Well, it is getting late or I would ramble on some more.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Hey Michael! So I followed the link to here from Facebook. So cool that you've started a blog! Missy got me hooked on blogging, although these days my entries are few and far between. But it's a great way to vent or clear your thoughts but also to keep in touch with people too and feel more a part of each other's lives.

I don't know how you are juggling work and school and everything else... oh to be young again! lol

Good luck with the whole putt putt thing... but a little advice... let the girl win! It'll be better for you in the end! lol